I'll Show You is a show for friends. Josh and Jessica, longtime friends, Review and rank disney songs from best to worst and cover the latest disney news

Ducks Watch Together Is a show for enemies. long time nemeses watch and review your favorite films from old classics to current blockbusters

Josh Darby

Josh Darby is a person probably. He lives in Washington State with his wife, where he is the Artistic Director of a children's theater program. 

Other Ways To Find Him Online -
Twitter: @JoshvsReality
Letterboxd: DarbyACT


Jessica Valler

Jessica Valler might not be a person. She lives in Los Angeles with her roommate and cats, where she graduated from film school and is pursuing a career.


Other Ways To Find Her Online 
Twitter: @JessValler


Ann Archer

Ann Archer isn't a person at all.  She lives in Washington State with her husband. She produces both Ducks Watch Together and I'll Show You as well as manages Friend of a Friend.  

Other ways to find her online:
Twitter: @FOAF_podcasts
Facebook: @foafpodcasts